Starting Again: The Power of a Fresh Beginning

beginning again fresh start mindset motivation personal growth resilience vere claritas Jan 11, 2025


Starting over can feel daunting, especially when it comes with the weight of past setbacks or missed opportunities. But here’s the truth: beginning again isn’t about erasing the past—it’s about recognizing your resilience and tapping into the power of this very moment.

Reading Time - 3 mins

You’re not starting from scratch; you’re starting with experience, wisdom, and the same talents, dreams, and skills you’ve always had. Let’s explore how to embrace a fresh start with purpose, clarity, and gratitude.

1. Let Go of Guilt and Perfectionism

When building habits or chasing goals, it’s common to feel guilty if you stumble. James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, suggests:

  • “Never miss twice.”
    If you miss a day, it’s an accident; missing two can start a new, undesired pattern. The key is to avoid letting small lapses spiral into larger setbacks.

I’d go even further:

  • Don’t miss two—but if you have, still don’t beat yourself up.
    Beating yourself up only makes it harder to believe you can turn things around. Instead, recognise that guilt isn’t constructive—it’s action that matters.

Action Step:
Pause and remind yourself: "I am still the same person with the same dreams and skills. I can start from now."

2. Begin Again in This Moment

Sam Harris, in his Waking Up meditation app, beautifully states:

  • “There’s no reason why the next ten minutes in the gym can’t be the best you’ve had in years.”

The same applies to any area of your life. You have access to your best self right now. The past doesn’t define this moment unless you let it.

How to Begin Again:

  • Notice your reality with Vere Claritas (True Clarity).
  • Ask yourself: "What’s true right now? What’s one step I can take in this moment?"
  • Acknowledge the truth without judgment, then take that step.

Side Note: I heartily recommend Sam Harris's Waking Up app for developing mindfulness and gaining clarity. If you’re curious, flick me a message—I’m happy to send you a link for a free month’s access to explore it yourself.

3. Realign With What Matters

Each fresh start is an opportunity to reconnect with your values and priorities. Ask yourself:

  • “What truly matters to me right now?”
  • “What do I want to focus on in this chapter?”

Action Step:
Write down three things that matter most to you today. Let these guide your actions moving forward.

4. Small Steps Lead to Big Progress

Trying to overhaul everything at once often leads to overwhelm. Instead, focus on small, consistent steps:

  • If you’re restarting a fitness habit, begin with just 10 minutes.
  • If you’re reigniting a creative project, commit to 20 minutes of focused work.

These small actions build momentum—and they’re easier to sustain.

Action Step:
Pick one small step you can take today that aligns with your values.

5. Gratitude as a Fresh Start Fuel

Starting again is a privilege. Not everyone gets the chance to rewrite their story. Gratitude can shift your mindset from frustration to possibility.

Action Step:
Write down three things you’re grateful for about this moment. For example:

  • “I’m grateful I have the courage to start again.”
  • “I’m grateful for the lessons I’ve learned along the way.”

Why Starting Again Is a Superpower

Beginning again doesn’t erase the past—it reclaims it. You’re stepping forward with the lessons you’ve learned, the resilience you’ve built, and the clarity of what matters.


  • Starting again is always an option.
  • You don’t have to wait for a new year or a perfect moment.
  • Your best self is always within reach—sometimes, it just takes one decision to get there.

Starting over isn’t about perfection; it’s about persistence. When you miss a day—or even two—don’t dwell on it. Just begin again. Notice your reality with Vere Claritas, acknowledge it, and take that next small step forward.

And if you’re ready to turn your fresh start into a lasting transformation, check out my course, The Clarity Blueprint – Your 2025 Reset. It’s designed to help you align with your values, build momentum, and create a life that feels truly fulfilling.

This is your opportunity to start the year with clarity and purpose. Don’t wait!

Get The Clarity Blueprint – Your 2025 Reset -- Only $27 for a Limited Time!

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